MELASSA is obtained by pressing dried figs in the sun.The extraction process is very long and delicate: once the molasses has been obtained, the refining process is carried out only in particular climatic conditions. Theorganoleptic and healthy features are those of theMediterranean diet, the aromas are those of caramel,the licorice and of hay.
Jar 40ml
Along with honey, maple syrup, the fig molasses is one of the alternatives to white sugar (sucrose). It providesabout 30-40% less calories (in fact, it produces 235 kcal per 100g) and has a good concentration of mineral salts (calcium, magnesium and iron) and traces of vitamins (group B and PP). 100 grams of molasses contain on average: iron 11 mg; potassium 1,500 mg; magnesium 90 mg; calcium 500 mg. The high concentration of calciummakes it essential in bone diseases, rich in iron is useful for overcome the weakness. Heated it stimulates the lazyintestines and develops expectorant capacity.